The Student Enneagram

Until you become self-aware, it isn’t

possible to fully understand others

“Each of us perceives the world from a unique perspective. While each perspective is valid, it is limited. Our personality shapes the way we interact with the world: how we teach, learn, work, and communicate. As teachers, our personality type makes us more comfortable with certain teaching styles over others. As students, our personality type makes us prefer certain ways of learning.

As a teacher, you interact with many students, most of whom probably see the world differently than you do. Different perspectives, values, and preferences sometimes lead to misunderstanding and frustration.

Each of the nine Enneagram types has a different motivation. Our motivation is a powerful force that drives most of our behavior. When the world around us supports and reinforces our motivation, a strong tailwind aligns with all our energy, propelling us strongly toward our aspirations. Find ways to align with your students’ motivation and watch them soar.” 

– Rob Fitzel, Enneagram Scholar

The Student Enneagram

This book is a guide for educators, administrators, and parents to be able to gain a little bit of insight from the behaviors, patterns, and tendencies that students are demonstrating. 

Self-awareness is so important. In order to know and understand others, we must first know and understand ourselves. I encourage you to learn about, and discover, who you are first. Once you truly understand yourself, you’ll be able to see others so much more clearly. It’s wild, but it’s true. However, until you personally become self-aware and understand who you are, you won’t have the emotional capacity to understand others.

You will become a better parent, a better teacher, a better administrator if you take the time to discover who you are.
